From my list:
For the surgery/hospital:
- Call the 'expiditer' about that.
Get bloodwork done at a Qwest labs.
Go to hospital for pre-admission exam.
Go to regular doctor for medical clearance.
Be totally off sugar, and yeast-free.
Get house set up:
Make and freeze meals ahead
Have the kitchen clean and organized.
Make sure all bills are paid, and everything on budget.
Make files for all doctor and nursing home records
Find my yellow cushion that they gave me last time.
Equipment to take with me:
2-foot shoehorn
Dressing stick
Supplements and aspirin
2 waist purses and cloth grocery bag, for carrying stuff
Cell phone
Reading glasses
Skin care, nail file, tweezers, mirror
Clothes for 8 days
Feather pillow
Books - some series
Playing cards for solitaire
Tarot card lists to work on my deck
So a lot of important stuff didn't get done. Will I be better prepared next week? I doubt it.